Cryo chambers

Cryo chambers for general wellness, sport and lifestyle

With MECOTEC electric cryo chambers, you are choosing freezing technology that sets standards.

  • 100 % Made in Germany
  • PED compliance - Certified quality
  • Service wordwide
  • Up to 5 years of warranty on our products

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MECOTEC cryo:one



One of the most compact, all-electric cryo chambers in the world.

MECOTEC cryo:one+



More space, more power and easy to install.

Neo Line

Neo Line

The inovative designsolution.

MECOTEC cryoair multi

cryoair multi/multi+

cryoair multi/multi+

Multi-chamber system with a capacity of more than 30 users per hour.

Refrigeration under power

Electric or nitrogen-based cooling?
The answer to this is clear. So-called "cryo saunas" (head out of the cold), which cool with liquid nitrogen, are considered unsuitable for whole-body-cryo-sessions. Only our electrically operated cold chambers can be considered for this. They are safer, more reliable and more comfortable to use - the best way for modern cryo sessions.

Would you like to buy your own cryo chamber?

Buy your cold chamber directly from the manufacturer MECOTEC. We will be happy to inform you about prices and advise you about costs for planning, installation and operation without obligation. Enquire now!

Cryo saunas based on liquid gas work with nitrogen and can reach temperatures below 160 ° Celsius. Although they cool down immediately, they require a constant supply of nitrogen.This becomes expensive in the long-run and increased risk and safety problems such as leaks can occur. Moreover, nitrogen in a cryo sauna can displace the air you breathe. Therefore, the head must remain outside the chamber. A decisive disadvantage as the face and head react most strongly to the cold stimuli. This is where most of the thermoreceptors are located. They react to temperature changes and pass this information on to the brain.

The only sensible devices for whole-body cryosessions (wbc) rely on electric cooling. Here, the cooling units filter the air via compressors and produce temperatures as low as -110 ° Celsius - similar to a refrigerator, but infinitely more powerful.

Keep a cool head

In the using chambers, the entire body is included in the application. The head is especially important - This is where 70 percent of all thermoreceptors are located. They signal to the brain: "Attention, extreme cold, react immediately with protective measures!" Therefore, you should definitely include the head in your cryosessions.

MECOTEC means investment security

The market for cold therapy is booming. The market for cold technology is rapidly increasing in general wellness, biohacking, regeneration and in sports. By 2025, the global market is expected to generate an annual turnover of almost 6 billion dollars. The investment in an electrically operated cold chamber (cryosauna, cryochamber, cold sauna) from MECOTEC therefore pays for itself quickly - usually within two years.

Easy to operate and TÜV quality certified

Our cold chambers are connected to the electrical circuit in your building. At the same time, the handling and operation of the chamber and machine are extremely simple. 
Fun fact: electrically operated cold therapy is the best way to use cold specifically as a treatment factor in sports, wellness and therapy. MECOTEC is considered the global market leader with its products and is the only supplier worldwide to have certified quality by TÜV.