La partecipazione di MECOTEC GmbH alla fiera FIBO è stata un vero successo! A volte era quasi impossibile muoversi nei corridoi intorno allo stand, tante erano le persone interessate che aspettavano di essere informate e consigliate e di testare i prodotti.
Il team dello stand ha avuto molte conversazioni e scambi di idee con i concorrenti. Anche una o due celebrità: addetti ai lavori o visitatori non si sono lasciati sfuggire l'opportunità di sperimentare il potere del freddo, tra cui Thomas D, membro del gruppo hip-hop tedesco "Die fantastischen Vier". Diciamo GRAZIE per questo grande FIBO e attendiamo con ansia ulteriori scambi!
MECOTEC, based in Saxony-Anhalt, was founded in 2000 and is a pioneer in the field of ultra-low refrigeration on an electrical basis. The company specializes in the segments of cold chambers, cold air devices and industrial refrigeration and is now a global leader in the fields of medicine, sports and wellness with more than 800 cold chambers installed. The purely electrically operated cold chambers are used in spa areas of upscale hotels, in clinics and in sports facilities, such as in the German Bundesliga, NFL stadiums in the USA and others. The company has offices in France, the United States, the Middle East (Dubai) and Singapore, and partners in Europe and Australia. MECOTEC works with leading pharmaceutical manufacturers and hospitals in the field of ultra-low temperature technology for medical devices and cold chambers. The company is managed by founder and managing director Enrico Klauer, who is supported by an advisory board made up of experts from the financial and pharmaceutical industries and Dr. Friedrich Rheinheimer, who has been responsible for the operative business as COO since the beginning of 2022.
Press Contact
Dr. Karin Funke-Rapp MECOTEC GmbH Sonnenallee 14-30 06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen / Germany M +49 (0) 176 627 55085 @ W
We will be happy to send you photo material for publication on request.
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